
Happy Hour

1. I saw a woman with a child at the intersection and the way the little girl was looking up at her seemed so mature and so endearing and so knowing, I felt extremely touched by this moment and wanted to get a closer look. As I approached them, I saw the girl was actually a little person in her 30s and I felt really insane.

2. As people packed into the overstuffed train, I heard the following conversation, yelled:

"I can't get in, Bob. I cant get on."


"Bob, I can't get..." "I HEARD YOU."

"Okay, I'll be behind you. Bob. I'll be..." Doors shutting.

Bob proceeds to sigh and mock his pal loudly and self-consciously. I felt sad.

3. I keep my iPod down really low so I can fake pre-occupation and also take in what's around me. But the volume of the music makes it very surprising. I hear things I don't hear at full volume. It's nice.

4. Blonde bitch on the phone next to me, I wished severely to impale her face into the window, breaking both.

5. This wine tastes like vinegar and red.

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